Tim Dunlop is an author and an in-demand public commentator. He teaches new media and journalism and the University of Melbourne. He has been a columnist for the ABC, as well for News Ltd. He writes on the future of work for The Guardian and speaks regularly in public and professional forums around the world on the same topic. His 2015 book, The New Front Page is a seminal text on the digital media revolution and presaged changes still affecting the industry. His 2017 book, the best-selling Why The Future Is Workless, discusses technology and the future of work.
In his new book, The Future of Everything, he does what few are willing to do. He goes beyond mere analysis and offers a comprehensive set of changes that will make the world a better place: fairer, more democratic, less violent, more joyous. It is an audacious agenda for real democratic change that looks at work, wealth, journalism, government, education and the natural world. It argues that we are all in this together and that in order to change things we are going to have to take back control from those who are currently failing us.