
Love YA: Crossing Worlds

Jared Thomas + Clare Atkins + Brendan Lawley

Brisbane Square Library


Contemporary Storytelling / Young Adult



#About the event


Jared Thomas

Jared Thomas

Jared Thomas’ writing explores the power of belonging and culture. In 2015 his title Calypso Summer joined the International Youth Library White Raven list, given to books that deserve worldwide attention.

His recent releases include Songs That Sound Like Blood and the Game Day series written with NBA player Patty Mills.

Clare Atkins

Clare Atkins

Clare Atkins is the author of Between Us and Nona & Me. Nona & Me won the 2016 Book of the Year in the NT Literary Awards, was longlisted for the 2015 Inky Awards and Highly Commended in the 2015 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards.

She has worked as a scriptwriter on many TV series including All Saints, Home and Away and Winners & Losers.

Brendan Lawley

Brendan Lawley

Brendan Lawley is a writer who lives in Melbourne. He grew up in north-eastern Victorian and Footscray.

Bonesland is his first novel.

#Special Guest


Aimée Lindorff

Aimée Lindorff

Aimée Lindorff is a cultural producer, writer, and editor based in Brisbane. She reviews books for Aurealis magazine, is one half of Lady Parts, a podcast about women’s roles in genre cinema, and in 2017 was Event Producer of Gold Coast Film Festival. From 2013-2016, she was Program and Services Manager of Queensland Writers Centre, and was creator of Whispers salon and QLD Script House.


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