#About the event
Duration: 120 minutes
An engaging and hands-on activity set up in the Knowledge Walk. People can create their own cyanotype, using text-based resists (letters / words rather than the botanical specimens used in previous workshops). Cyanotype is a historic photograph printing process which produces a distinctive Prussian blue pigment. It’s use to copy technical drawings in the 20th century gave us ‘blueprints’.
Cyanotype is an historic photograph printing process which produces a distinctive Prussian blue pigment. It's use to copy technical drawings in the 20th century gave us ‘blueprints’. The digital screen in the Knowledge Walk can be programmed throughout the day with segments to showcase preservation videos and cyanotype items in the collection (using Unstacked).
See http://blogs.slq.qld.gov.au/
It will take approximately 15 minutes to understand the process and create a design. Sunlight develops the cyanotype and will take approximately 30 minutes.
No bookings required. Gold coin donation.
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