#About the event
Duration: 60 minutes
This is a free, online session as part of the Online Literature Festival. Presented in partnership with the Department of Education.
Kate and Jol explore books that find exciting new ways of telling stories and have fun with language and persuasive storytelling.
State schools Register at OneChannel [https://staff.learningplace.eq.edu.au/OneChannel/Pages/Program.aspx?cid=11&eid=22716]
Non-State schools Register at Eventbrite [https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/olf-2018-kate-and-jol-temple-tickets-48186873235]
Kate and Jol Temple
Kate and Jol Temple, and Jon Foye have five children's books to their names including Captain Jimmy Cook Discovers Third Grade and their picture books Parrot Carrot, Mike I Don't Likeand I Got This Hat which was selected for National Simultaneous Storytime in 2016. These books have managed to find themselves on short lists and NSW Premier's Reading Lists. They have also created two digital adaptations of their picture books for which they have received international awards for creativity.