
Agonies of Love

Randa Abdel-Fattah + James Moloney + Jenna Guillaume

Brisbane Square Library

Panel / Love YA



#About the event


Randa Abdel-Fattah

Randa Abdel-Fattah

Randa Abdel-Fattah is a prominent Australian Muslim Palestinian academic researching race and Islamophobia at Macquarie University. She is also the multi-award winning author of 11 books whose young adult and children’s books are published in over sixteen countries. She is currently adapting her debut novel Does My Head Look Big In This? as a feature film. She is co-editor of the 2019 anthology, Arab Australia Other: Stories on Race and identity. She lives in Sydney with her husband and four children.

James Moloney

James Moloney

James Moloney is one of Australia’s most respected writers for Young Adults and Children. His novels have won numerous awards and regularly feature in children’s choice awards. A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove is widely studied in schools. His deeply emotional novel for adults, The Love That I Have, set in a Nazi concentration camp, generated overwhelming response from readers and appeared on many best seller lists during 2018.
Jenna Guillaume

Jenna Guillaume

Jenna Guillaume is a freelance journalist and author based in Sydney, Australia. She writes about pop culture, identity, feminism and social media. Previously, she was editor-at-large for BuzzFeed Australia, and before that she worked in the features department at Girlfriend magazine. What I Like About Me is her debut novel.


Michael Earp

Michael Earp

Michael Earp is the editor of Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories. He has passionately worked with Children’s and YA books for more than 16 years, currently at The Little Bookroom. He has a degree in Early Childhood Education and a Masters in Children’s Literature. He is a contributor to Underdog: #LoveOzYA Short Stories (edited by Tobias Madden) and his writing has appeared in The Victorian Writer, Aurealis and Concrete Queers. He also established the #AusQueerYA tumblr to coincide with the #LoveOzYA campaign, of which he was previously the Committee Chair.


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End of Days