
Selling Fast

See What You Made Me Do

Jess Hill

QAG Lecture Theatre




#About the event


Jess Hill

Jess Hill

Jess Hill is a multi-award winning investigative journalist who has been writing and researching about domestic violence since 2014. Prior to this, she was a producer for ABC Radio, a Middle East correspondent for The Global Mail, and an investigative journalist, contributing to Background Briefing and The Monthly. She has been listed in Foreign Policy's top 100 women to follow on Twitter, and her reporting on domestic violence has won two Walkley awards, an Amnesty International award and three Our Watch awards. Her book on domestic violence, See What You Made Me Do, will be in stores June 2019.


Ginger Gorman

Ginger Gorman

Ginger Gorman is a fearless and multi award-winning social justice journalist. She has an innate ability to connect and communicate with some of the most interesting and marginalised people in our community. Ginger works hard to translate those untold stories into powerful journalism and is author of the best-selling book Troll Hunting.


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