
Seven Deadly Sins & One very Naughty Fruit

Mikey Robins

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Mikey Robins

Mikey Robins

Mikey Robins is one of Australia’s most well known comedians and broadcasters. He spent seven years as the host of Triple J’s National Breakfast Show before appearing as team leader on the smash hit TV series Good News Week. He has written for The Daily Telegraph, GQ and Men’s Style, and co-authored the books Three Beers and a Chinese Meal (with Helen Razor) and Big Man’s World (with Tony Squires and The Sandman).


Phil Brown

Phil Brown

Phil Brown is Arts Editor of The Courier-Mail and has a popular column in the lifestyle magazine Brisbane News. He has written for a range of national and international newspapers and magazines and has published his poetry widely in the mainstream press and literary journals. He is the author of two books of verse - Plastic Parables (Metro Community Press) and An Accident in the Evening (Interactive Press). His book of humorous travel stories, Travels with My Angst (UQP, 2004) was short-listed for the Arts Queensland Steele Rudd Award at the 2005 Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards. Any Guru Will Do (UQP 2006) was the second in his memoir series. From 1963 to 1970 he lived in Hong Kong where his father ran a construction company. He lives in Brisbane’s north with his wife Sandra, son Hamish and a Maltese Shi Tzu called Sarge.


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