
The Year of The Farmer

Rosalie Ham

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Rosalie Ham

Rosalie Ham

Rosalie Ham is a Melbourne based teacher and writer. Her forth novel, The Year of the Farmer, is a drama about love, justice and irrigation. It echoes her previous novels, most notably the best selling The Dressmaker (also a film starring Kate Winslet and Judy Davis), in it's keen eye for the ridiculous, and for the pretensions and prejudices we all share, which means her writing is always entertaining.


Frances Whiting

Frances Whiting

Frances Whiting is one of Australia’s best known writers. Her ddebut novel Walking on Trampolines released to critical and popular acclaim in 2013 is a best seller in Australia the United States and Canada. In 2015 Walking on Trampolines was translated into Italian German Spanish Slovenian and Czechoslovakian. Frances’s second book The Best Kind of Beautiful will be released by Pan Macmillan in November 2019. A senior feature writer for Queensland's premier weekend magazine Q Weekend in the Courier Mail Frances is also a much loved columnist for the Sunday Mail and other Sunday newspapers around Australia with her weekly column now in its 21st year. She is an Associate Editor of the Courier Mail and the Books Editor of Q Weekend Magazine.


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