

Literature and Identity

Heritage Collections Learning Room, State Library of Queensland

Professional Development for Educators / Word Play


On Sale

Heritage Collections Learning Room, State Library of Queensland

#About the event


Kylie Wilson

Kylie Wilson

Kylie Wilson is the Principal Education Officer at the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) for the General senior syllabuses Literature, English as Additional Language and English & Literature Extension. Prior to joining the QCAA, she worked as an English teacher in the State School sector for 14 years and was Head of Department, English in large secondary school on the Gold Coast. During 2018, Kylie travelled the state presenting the syllabus implementation workshops for Essential English, English and EAL with much enthusiasm, offering an engaging and relatable perspective straight from the classroom. She is also extremely passionate about teaching students with an EAL background and was the lead writer for the English as Additional Languages 2019 Senior Syllabus.
Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith

Lisa Smith is a Principal Education Officer for Essential English, the Literacy short course and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages short course in the Senior Assessment and Moderation Branch at the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA). In this role, she supports Queensland teachers in constructing units of work, implementing curriculum and developing assessment instruments. She has also supported the delivery of professional development workshops for a range of syllabuses, a role she considers a privilege with its opportunity to engage in rich and rewarding conversations with Queensland's professional English teachers.

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Professional Development for Educators / Word Play

Embracing Difference through Literature

Heritage Collections Learning Room, State Library of Queensland

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Professional Development for Educators / Word Play

Raising Readers

Heritage Collections Learning Room, State Library of Queensland

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