
A Lot With a Little

Tim Costello

Queensland Terrace, State Library of Queensland




#About the event


Tim Costello

Tim Costello

I am a husband of 40 years, a father of 3 and grandfather now. I have recently completed 15 years with World Vision Australia. I am passionate about what makes life meaningful, fair and just. I love Australia and want us to lead in creating a future for others who have been afforded less opportunities and natural advantages. I keep hope alive because we have more in common than what drives us apart to face the challenges our globe confronts.


Rebecca Levingston

Rebecca Levingston

Rebecca Levingston was quite happily delivering daily traffic reports to ABC listeners, before she was dragged kicking and screaming into the producer's seat for Richard Fidler. Her life hasn't been the same since. She grew up in North Queensland and for many dedicated years, was sure her future lay in ballroom dancing or on the netball court. She was wrong and somehow ended up studying Hotel Management and Japanese on the Gold Coast. A year of life in Japan and the UK taught her that people are infinitely interesting creatures and the seed of journalism was planted. It was only after a year of work in America that Rebecca decided her HECS debt should be bigger and she returned to university to study journalism. Now she has a piece of paper that gives her permission to ask lots of questions and she's pretty happy about that. She’s asked many a question on Queensland Evenings and ABC Brisbane Drive and in 2016 Rebecca started asking all the questions on Weekends. In 2019, Rebecca will continue to ask questions when she presents Mornings on ABC Radio Brisbane. When she’s not at work, Rebecca switches roles and can be found answering the many questions asked by her two little boys.


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