
Selling Fast

Leah Kaminsky In Your Suburb

Leah Kaminsky

Bulimba Library

In Your Suburb



#About the event


Leah Kaminsky

Leah Kaminsky

Leah Kaminsky, is a physician and award-winning writer. Her debut novel The Waiting Room won the prestigious Voss Literary Prize and was shortlisted for the Helen Asher Award. Her second novel, The Hollow Bones was released in 2019 and The Fish Council will be published in 2020. We’re all Going to Die has been described as ‘a joyful book about death’. She edited Writer MD and co-authored Cracking the Code. Her poetry collection, Stitching Things Together, was a finalist in the Anne Elder Award. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts.


Sarah Klenbort

Sarah Klenbort

Sarah Klenbort is a prize-winning short story writer who recently moved to Brisbane after ten years in Sydney, where she taught literature at Western Sydney University and memoir writing at Sydney Community College, various libraries and the Shakespeare Hotel. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, Best Australian Stories, Overland, Island Magazine, Southerly and a variety of US and UK journals and magazines. She has an MFA in fiction from Columbia University and a PhD in English from Binghamton University. Sarah teaches creative writing at UQ.

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