
Selling Fast

Voices Written Out of History

Clare Wright + Eve Wicks + Leah Kaminsky

QAG Lecture Theatre




#About the event


Clare Wright

Clare Wright

Dr Clare Wright is an award-winning historian and author who has worked as an academic, political speechwriter, historical consultant and radio and television broadcaster. She won the 2014 Stella Prize for her narrative non-fiction book, The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka, which is currently being adapted for a television drama series. Clare has written two historical documentaries for ABC TV and is the writer/host of Radio National's history podcast, Shooting the Past. Clare is an Associate Professor of History at La Trobe University.
Eve Wicks

Eve Wicks

Eve Wicks – Puodžiūnaitė, photographic artist and oral and archival historian, was born to Lithuanian parents who fled to Australia from Soviet-occupied Lithuania in 1940 during World War Two. Brisbane-raised, her earliest careers were in medical laboratory science and lecturing, and after child rearing, in counselling university students. A desire to study and explore her heritage resulted in creative research projects with Lithuanian refugees in Queensland. In Wick’s art book, Saulėje ir šešėlyje: In Sunshine and Shadow, creative writing brings together oral history stories, original and historical photographs, poems and songs to express their migration and settlement experiences – their pain and loss and their endurance and accomplishment with quiet dignity within a Lithuanian cultural milieu.

Saulėje ir šešėlyje: In Sunshine and Shadow has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, Brisbane City Council, The Australian Lithuanian Foundation Inc. and the Lithuanian Government through the Dept. of Ethnic Minorities and Emigrants Abroad.

Leah Kaminsky

Leah Kaminsky

Leah Kaminsky, is a physician and award-winning writer. Her debut novel The Waiting Room won the prestigious Voss Literary Prize and was shortlisted for the Helen Asher Award. Her second novel, The Hollow Bones was released in 2019 and The Fish Council will be published in 2020. We’re all Going to Die has been described as ‘a joyful book about death’. She edited Writer MD and co-authored Cracking the Code. Her poetry collection, Stitching Things Together, was a finalist in the Anne Elder Award. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts.


Lisa Featherstone

Lisa Featherstone

I am an Australian historian employed at University of Queensland. My work focuses on sexual violence, including sexual assaults on women and children in twentieth century Australia. I have published widely on sexual crimes, including child sexual abuse and rape in marriage. I am the author of two monographs, Let’s Talk About Sex: Histories of Sexuality in Australia from Federation to the Pill, and Sex Crimes in the 1950s (co-authored with Andy Kaldelfos). The latter was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Prize in 2017.


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