
The Eye Word

Gordon Hookey + Eve L. Ewing + Eve Wicks

Cinema B, GoMA




#About the event


Gordon Hookey

Gordon Hookey

Gordon Hookey belongs to the Waanyi people and locates his art at the interface where Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal cultures converge. His style and approach is distinctive in its vibrancy and best known for its biting satire of Australia’s political landscape, its leaders and representatives. Hookey's work combines figurative characters, iconic symbols, bold comic-like text, and a spectrum of vibrant colours. Hookey is a core member of Brisbane-based Indigenous collective proppaNOW alongside fellow artists including Richard Bell, Vernon Ah Kee and Jennifer Herd. His work is held in major collections within Australia including the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art and University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane; Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth; National Gallery of Australia and Australian National University, Canberra; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; University of Technology, Sydney and a number of significant private collections. In 2017 Hookey was included in Documenta 14 (Athens and Kassel) and ‘The National: New Australian Art’ at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Eve L. Ewing

Eve L. Ewing

Dr. Eve L. Ewing is a sociologist of education and a writer from Chicago. She is the author of Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago's South Side. She is also author of Electric Arches, which received awards from the American Library Association and the Poetry Society of America and was named one of the year's best books by NPR and the Chicago Tribune. She is the co-author (with Nate Marshall) of the play No Blue Memories: The Life of Gwendolyn Brooks. She also writes the Ironheart series for Marvel Comics. Ewing is an assistant professor at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. Her work has been published in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Times, and many other venues.
Eve Wicks

Eve Wicks

Eve Wicks – Puodžiūnaitė, photographic artist and oral and archival historian, was born to Lithuanian parents who fled to Australia from Soviet-occupied Lithuania in 1940 during World War Two. Brisbane-raised, her earliest careers were in medical laboratory science and lecturing, and after child rearing, in counselling university students. A desire to study and explore her heritage resulted in creative research projects with Lithuanian refugees in Queensland. In Wick’s art book, Saulėje ir šešėlyje: In Sunshine and Shadow, creative writing brings together oral history stories, original and historical photographs, poems and songs to express their migration and settlement experiences – their pain and loss and their endurance and accomplishment with quiet dignity within a Lithuanian cultural milieu.

Saulėje ir šešėlyje: In Sunshine and Shadow has received financial assistance from the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, Brisbane City Council, The Australian Lithuanian Foundation Inc. and the Lithuanian Government through the Dept. of Ethnic Minorities and Emigrants Abroad.


Stefan Treyvaud

Stefan Treyvaud

Stefan Treyvaud has enjoyed a successful and diverse career in the arts, cultural and lifestyle sectors including senior marketing and communications roles with QPAC, Brisbane Powerhouse, Queensland Music Festival and State Library Queensland.

As a writer and content producer, he has made significant contributions to World Science Festival Brisbane, Melbourne Writers Festival, University of Melbourne Ideas Festival, Melbourne Festival and White Night Melbourne.

Prior to his foray into the arts, Stefan wrote for the Courier Mail’s Books Art and Music lift out and was Editor of Brisbane’s hugely successful map magazine.


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